< stack
< cdecl + ellipsis
< stack, purged (x86), first args are in regs (compiler-dependent)
< (Go) arguments and return value in stack
< this value is invalid
\defgroup CM_CC_ Calling convention
< stack, purged, reverse order of args
< usercall: locations of all arguments
< and the return value are explicitly specified
< ::CM_CC_SPECIAL with ellipsis
< Equal to ::CM_CC_SPECIAL, but with purged stack
< This is NOT a cc! Mark of __spoil record
< the low nibble is count and after n {spoilreg_t}
< present real cm_t byte. if n == BFA_FUNC_MARKER,
< the next byte is the function attribute byte.
< stack, purged
< (Swift) arguments and return values in registers (compiler-dependent)
< stack, purged (x86), first arg is in reg (compiler-dependent)
< unknown calling convention
< function without arguments
< if has other cc and argnum == 0,
< represent as f() - unknown list
\defgroup CM_ptr Default pointer size
< large: code=far, data=far
< medium: code=far, data=near
\defgroup CM_M_ Model
< compact: code=near, data=far
< small: code=near, data=near (or unknown if CM_UNKNOWN)
< if sizeof(int)<=2: near 1 byte, far 2 bytes
< if sizeof(int)>2: near 8 bytes, far 8 bytes
< near 2 bytes, far 4 bytes
< near 4 bytes, far 6 bytes
< unknown
< Borland C++
< Delphi
< GNU C++
\defgroup COMP_ Compiler IDs
< Visual C++
< Unknown
< uncertain compiler id
< Visual Age C++
< Watcom C++